Articles from April 2006 Edition
- Malta Invaded Again! - Martin Grahame-Dunn follows the Knights issue published 01/04/2006
Taking a look at Maltese photographers... more>>
- The Alternative Processes Are they worth it? issue published 01/04/2006
As a general rule, alternative processes include image making methods that were swept aside by the march of silver gelatine, a more flexible process with perceived higher quality o... more>>
- Editorial - April-May 2006 issue published 01/04/2006
Mike McNamee introduces the 2006 monochrome special issue of Professional Imagemaker magazine... more>>
- Paper Chase - Lumijet Preservation and Portfolio issue published 01/04/2006
Made by Hahnemuhle, these papers have now been made available in the UK (they were formerly a USA-only product). They comprise two ranges: the Preservation Series and the Portfolio... more>>
- Tinting and Toning issue published 01/04/2006
The duotone is becoming something of a dinosaur in this age of high-speed, on-demand, colour printing. It remains, in skilled hands, one of the best ways of reproducing monochrome ... more>>
- The Monochrome Issue - The Output Options issue published 01/04/2006
It is worthwhile recapping on the parameters that are especially important to the monochrome specialist and describing how they are quantified and how they affect the look of an im... more>>
- The Monochrome Issue - Introduction issue published 01/04/2006
One of the major criticisms levelled at ink-jet output has been the lack of neutrality in the monochromes and variations in the tone colour bias along the scale from black to white... more>>
- Madeira Invaded Again! issue published 01/04/2006
Phil Jones reports on the SWPP continued invasion of the islands of Europe,... more>>
- Patrick Rice - Infrared issue published 01/04/2006
Patrick goes through Infrared photography... more>>
- Photoshop - Infrared issue published 01/04/2006
Patrick Rice discusses the mechanics of infrared and digital infrared. In a nutshell, monochrome infrared imagery distorts tonal rendition, the most prominent effects being a light... more>>
- I am thinking about becoming self-employed could you please tell me what business records I need to keep. issue published 01/04/2006
This issue's question is answered for you from expert, Mike Parkes at the tax and accountancy specialist in the photography industry, Tax Watchdog. Do I really need to submit my 20... more>>
- Vittoriosa - Joe Smith issue published 01/04/2006
Joe talks about how he made his photographic book... more>>
last update 09/12/2022 15:30:12
There are 0 days to get ready for The Society of Photographers Convention and Trade Show at The Novotel London West, Hammersmith ...
which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025