Wedding Photographer Maidstone Kent, Howells

KentSWPP LSWPP Qualified Member

Sunday 9th March 2025



Mark Howells LSWPPThis shows the qualification attained by Mark Howells within the SWPP and associated societies.

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Specialist Photographer for :-
Wedding photography
Portrait photography

an example of the images created by Mark Howells

Mark Howells has an Exhibition here.

We are award winning portrait photographers. We are able to attend your wedding, prom, dinner and dance, ladies night, charity night, Golf Tournament or other event. Photo-Team specialise in on-site photography, and instantly print using the latest digital equipment. We are leaders in the field of "green screen" system, where we can offer any background for your portraits! By booking us to attend your function, your guests will be delighted with the memento they will take home with them of that evening. We are full time qualified professional photographers, using the latest digital equipment and carry professional and public liability insurance.

This person is also a member of SISEP

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