
The 16x20 Print Competition 2016 - part 2 of 1 2

by Mike McNamee Published 01/02/2016


Our Sikh contingent certainly enjoyed theirweek, with a huge number of successes. Theyrevelled in Jugbir Dhillon's win and enlivenedthe photo stage (endangered even!) at theend - we might have to think about reinforcingthat bit of the platform if they continue in theirsuccesses. They certainly worked very hard,sitting through two complete days of judging;if we all took our work with such enthusiasmgoodness knows where the standards mightrise to!


Image - Prashin Thakker

You would need a heart of stone not to havebeen moved by Jugbir's emotional tribute tohis late mother when he came up to receive hisaward. We did not get to hear the back storybut here it is from his Facebook page:

"All of this however, would not exist if it hadn'tbeen for my mother, Lucky Dhillon. I tried mybest to describe my mother's story within the fewseconds I had to speak on stage. With tears downmy cheek and all the emotions running throughmy head, I could only dedicate the award in herhonour. As such, it seems fitting to share a piecefrom my dedication page from my website:"After the sudden loss of my mother on 8 May2013 I spent days ripping through boxes andboxes of photographs that she had stashed away.My mother was a radio broadcaster, and she hada lot of photographs with celebrities, friends, andfamily through her work, so there was a lot to gothrough. The photographs that I found during thedays following her passing not only brought backmemories that may have been lost otherwise,but helped in the grieving process. My motherloved everything about photography and it wassomething special the two of us shared together."

"Discovering my mother's passion forphotography won't be forgotten and was a wellkept secret. Being in touch with latest technologyI purchased a DSLR in late 2011 for the mainpurpose of having good pictures. After showingmy mother the camera, she told me a story whenshe bought a camera in 1994 and then lateron had to sell it to look after her family. Shecontinued her story, and I felt her passion and lovefor photography, this gave me the determinationto continue her journey."

MUM, WE DID IT! I hope that wherever you are inParadise, I made your day.

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1st Published 01/02/2016
last update 09/12/2022 14:50:36

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