
Just who do you think you're shooting for? The UK Tour - part 1 of 1

by Brett Florens Published 01/12/2014


Brett Florens recently completed a successful tour of the UK stopping to educate and entertain at four locations in Scotland, Ireland and England. Brett's aim was to have the delegates "Understand and target the right market to run a sustainable business." He also added, "Yes, we're here to do a job and make money, but let's face it, so many of us shoot like puppets for the client - we are 'bullied' into shooting in the style that they have in their mind. I agree, your client is your boss and you need to please them, but we mustn't lose sight of the fact that they have booked us because of the brand image that we have so carefully nurtured and portrayed through our advertising, blogs and websites."

Judging by the glowing testimonials, everybody gained lots of understanding on techniques and marketing but if you need more or missed it as it came around, Brett is delivering no fewer than four


seminars at the Convention as follows:

Pricing for a Profitable, Sustainable Career - Wednesday 14 January
Ten Tips that will Change your Life - Thursday 15 January
Shooting the Night Away!! - Friday 16 January
What Women Want!!! - Saturday 17 January

You are currently on page 1 Contact Brett Florens

1st Published 01/12/2014
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:30

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