
David and Luke Edmonson A Family Affair - part 4 of 1 2 3 4 5 6

Published 01/10/2015


Man with a pipe
David: 'This is the same set as the Luthier's image, just lit differentlywith the light coming through the window. I created this imagefor my children, to show that life goes by so fast that it's just like afleeting vapour - represented by the smoke from the pipe. Life isjust here and then it is gone. The message is that you really haveto choose what you want to do with your leisure time, and that mychildren should think about how they spend their time carefullybecause before you know it, time has run out.'


Mother and Child Bathing
Luke: 'This came out of the Vermeer series that we shot, and it'sactually my wife bathing our daughter when she was about sixmonths old. Vermeer used to paint lots of everyday scenes that wereset inside simple rooms. So this idea of bathing inside a room thatcould be a kitchen was actually quite simple to set up and it wasreally a case of refining the expressions on the subjects' faces andcapturing the reaction between mother and daughter together.

'We can take normal photographs or simple portraits of our familymembers, but it's nice to also be able to give our gifts and talents tocreate a legacy. The shots might not be appreciated so much now,but hopefully in time these images of our family will be looked uponfondly.'

David: 'When you create quite modern images they can date veryquickly. Your children will grow up and say: "I cannot believe youdressed me in that, it's so dated!" Instead I think it's quite fun to takea classic theme - we all know the Vermeer painting of the maidpouring milk - and reinterpret that.'

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:53:06

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