
More helpful advice from James at theimagefile - part 1 of 1

Published 01/06/2015

''We never get a second chance to make a first impression''

Yes, it is an oldie but goldie, but still rings true as much as it ever did even though the delivery of that rst impression might have changed.

So, how much eff ort should you put in to create the perfect impression? Well, if you were building a bricks-n-mortar high street presence you would be talking about weeks of round the table brain storming, number-crunching and head-scratching, to justify the hefty budget you would need to set aside for that great fi rst impression.

However for many, the website is now the fi rst impression that customers receive. Your genre, style, attention to detail, fl air, individuality and passion for the business is all set within those fi rst few pages.

Your home page and portfolio pages are the most infl uential pages when it comes to customers deciding that you are the right choice for them; however this doesn't mean that other website pages should be put on the backburner. It's incredibly easy to utilise pages such as an about page or contact page to boost your business, show your prospects the real you and let them get to know you. One of the most eff ective ways to make a great impression is to simply take pictures specifi cally to display and illustrate on your website.


Our web design team say: "A great portrait of you on your "About" or "Bio" page, welcoming the visitor is more likely to relax the camera-shy visitor than one where you look like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

''Got a big smile on my face. I can't thank you enough for implementing and changing allthe things i've asked for throughout this process.I'm absolutley thrilled with the result! It's been great working with you. Again and again,a massive THANK YOU to you.'' Testimonial from Diana Steer

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1st Published 01/06/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:09

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