
Trade Insights - part 1 of 1 2

Published 01/06/2014


Many of Aspire's photography trainers have appeared on the pages of Professional Imagemaker and spoken at the Convention over the years but we rarely get to hear about the people behind the scenes. Jen Heyworth manages the marketing and events for Aspire. It's her job to make sure that events run smoothly and that people hear about what Aspire can offer them.

'When we go to a trade show I manage everything. The stands, the marketing material, what we're going to be doing at the trade show itself; that's all me.' That really is no mean feat when you are talking about trade shows the size of the annual Societies' Convention and Aspire really do make sure their schedule is as full as possible! 'It starts by making sure that I have all the dates set in the calendar for the year ahead. That includes everything from the big trade shows through to our own short courses and the smaller events where Catherine Connor has been asked to speak. The rest of the time, when I'm not organising events, I'm cracking on with the marketing for Aspire.'

Since Aspire's trainers rave about the company at every opportunity, I wanted to know what it's really like to be there day-to-day rather than dropping in to deliver courses: 'It is fantastic. We're a small team and we all get on really well. It's incredibly fast-paced but there's so much energy here because there is always lots going on. We all love working here and it's great meeting so many enthusiastic photographers all the time!' Those that are eagle-eyed will also spot a Labrador puppy on Jen's website who is allowed to come to work with her on two days a week - that's certainly my idea of a perfect job!


As well as working for Aspire, Jen runs a photography business of her own. 'It all started when I was given the opportunity to teach in South Africa. That's where I found my passion for photography.' We all have a story, the moment that we worked out that we wanted to take our photography up a notch and Jen is no exception. 'I was working with underprivileged children for a charity. We were out in the mountains in the back of a truck and there was a little girl walking in the middle of nowhere. I took her portrait and I can't believe how inspired I was - her face just told a thousand stories.' On her return from South Africa Jen took a course in photography at night school and hasn't looked back since!

Being in the Lake District means that weddings are the staple of Jen's business and her signature is beautiful images that combine the magic of the day with the wonderful vistas and light that the region is blessed with. 'Initially I said I wouldn't shoot weddings, but after doing one I got the bug. I enjoy seeing people in love and I'm the sort of photographer who wants to capture the mushy moments!' It's inevitable that as a photographer Jen wants to find clients who share her ideas of what great wedding photography is so her website to tries to convey the kind of person that she is. Jen's 'About Me' page is stuffed full of pictures from her Instagram feed to allow potential clients to see the things she loves. 'It gives a real insight into my world. I love baking, my puppy and the bit of traveling that I've done and hopefully people will relate to me through that.'

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1st Published 01/06/2014
last update 09/12/2022 14:55:15

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