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Rolling with the little dog - Dec 15 - part 1 of 1

by Mike McNamee Published 01/12/2015


This is me recovering from a day's cow pat rolling.

Old Limpy Leg is hobbling better. He has taken me for a couple of long walks for the first time in four months. Talk about slow; it's just as well I have got a leg in each corner or I'd have kept falling over! Anyways, his arm seems Ok, he can still chuck my ball into the sea for me to swim after.

We all got hauled away to the Lake District this month: me, Treacle, Fudge and the three Humans. The weather was rubbish so we alternated between walking in the rain and lying about, damp, in the camper vans. It was cold so the Humans put a blanket over me at night which was quite cosy. I like the Lakes; the Lakes has cows; cows means cow pats; cow pats means plenty of rolling! The Humans went ballistic and we got washed down under a hose - the indignity of it all. Limpy Leg didn't walk anywhere, he hung about at the campsite and delivered us to various places to walk from - I reckon he spent a lot of time in the Hawkshead Brewery at Staverley, it's also got Wilf's cafe next door which does breakfasts to die for and it's a proper dog place with treats for us canines on the counter - for free!

The fancy dog trainer (FDT) called last week. We got along OK - he dolled out loads of treats and all I had to do was 'sit and wait' - treats for old rope really. Then we all went for a walk together so the FDT could yell at the Humans for doing stuff wrong, they got no treats at all while I got loads - result!

It's my official birthday next week when I will be three. Cake seems in order and Fudge and Treacle have been promised an invite to the party. We'll probably get squeaky toys, I saw herself buying some the other day but pretended not to notice.

I hope you have a good Convention, I am off to stay over with F and T so no doubt lots of fun will be had. Happy Christmas and New Year.


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1st Published 01/12/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:02

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