
Marketing for the photographer - part 1 of 1

Published 01/06/2005

Time to find a new direction for your business... Marketing Specialist, Nicole Sheard, continues on her theme of building your bottom line

New Year, New Start, New Direction!

A new year means a new start for your business and it is essential that you re-evaluate your marketing strategy at this time to produce top sales results. New Year is the perfect time for you to find new sources of profit to enable your business to grow and to generate a key differentiator. You need to identify and satisfy customer demand and start selling. It is also important to make your selling easy so you can clearly promote your business, know what you are selling and make it simple. Where do you begin and how do you ensure your business actions will be successful?

Marketing Health check

Start the New Year by booking a marketing health check with a professional. A Marketing Professional will help you figure out what your customers really want. Once you have undergone your health check your company offering should be able to meet your customer needs in time to cash in on their requirements.

One key Tip to Remember is building a successful profitable business is about identifying and satisfying customer demand at a profit. The phrase at a profit is crucial to your business development.

New Year, New Direction

Finding a new direction is easier if you apply the latest marketing and selling methods, and it helps to have somebody with marketing experience to clearly identify what works in the real world. You need to understand how customers think and provide new and powerful marketing ideas to make them buy from you and desire your product.

When your business needs a new direction because the market is becoming more saturated and competitive you don't have time for marketing and selling experiments, you have to start selling now... quickly and smartly.

The Market Can Change In an Instant

Even if you are a top photographer it doesn't mean that you don't require additional business advice, the market can change in an instant. This is so true of today's photography market with more people having access to a digital camera and becoming 'professional'. It is important therefore to 'tap' into the buying desire and offer exciting products in a creative way.

You need to understand how to do the customer research to offer the 'right' product combination - What do your customers really want from you and how do you determine this

In the process of finding out you build empathy with your customer and if you give them creative affordable ideas you will find that they buy from you. Put simply people buy from people that they like.

Think Beyond

Understanding how you can meet your customer needs with your business offering is critical. You need to go beyond their basic expectations and develop a customer promise that you can keep. So go on think beyond and start offering a great product at a profit!

To book Marketing Health check and for a range of marketing services contact Nicole Sheard at

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1st Published 01/06/2005
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:41

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