Published 01/10/2015
Thinking outside the box
While a square print in itself is nothing new, what is unique regardingTen Squared is the possibility for extending the brand, and your ownbrand with it.
"One of the biggest dilemmas that anyone has who puts artwork onthe wall is that it stays there and it ages very quickly," One Vision's AdamScorey suggests. "The plan is that you can use your Ten Squared print torenew the images within the product - in a variety of ways. This could bea presentation box on the table but also hung on the wall. Though we'retrying to keep the product at a price of around £10 or £15, that wouldenable the photographer to give it away as a promotional tool, it's notjust to hand out or send out , but for photographers and their customersto have a variety of wall art products that they can constantly change ifthey want to.
"As most photographers these days have got more than one string to theirbow, this enables them to fine tune their portfolio in a very cost effectiveway. We're looking at other innovative little desktop products for brandextensions as well - and these are products that you are going to beseeing very soon."
In terms of box styles, One Vision Imaging will be offering 11 differentalternatives - nine styles and two plain - including a classic black and awhite, plus styles specifically suited to boudoir, weddings, kids and petphotography, and more besides. If someone wants something bespokethat is also an option. "The black one is for those who maybe don't wantsomething branded, or have got a boudoir shoot and want to keep thingsfairly low key. The white one is so people can brand the box and make thebox theirs - even just by adding something as simple as a sticker. It seemsvery 'now' and it's a beautiful format."
The other point to make is that, naturally, photographers don't have tostick to the square 10x10cm option if they'd prefer different dimensions.In fact, seven varying size options are offered by the layout software forthem to choose from: "We've enabled the software so that users can dropadditional artwork onto their images - for example if someone wanted tobrand each print and use them like a business card. Each print can be asunique as you want it to be."
In addition, One Vision Imaging mentions that it is working very hard tofurther develop its album offerings, which will be showcased from midOctober, with 2016 availability promised.
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