
So What Does Being Creative Mean? - part 2 of 1 2

Published 01/10/2015

GUY GOWAN Probably needs little if any introduction to his many blogfollowers who buy into the exclusive way he uses Photoshop. Many ofhis followers, wax lyrical about his unusual and creative methodology!PANIKOS HAJISTILLY A Greek Cypriot who has spent many years inthe UK perfecting his skills, he is a man of many talents who has learntskills from the best and put his own unique twist on posing, lighting andretouching skills, he also quickly found a way to increase his turnoverand profit massively, and will share his ideas with our delegates on PTO,next January.

NATALIE MARTIN Yes you have guessed is the daughter of thelegendary Kenneth Martin; Natalie has honed her selling skills to a veryhigh level and boasts exceptional sales values, we could not expectanything less and of course when selling for Kenny he would notaccept anything but the best. Natalie is also an outstanding creativephotographer in her own right!

ANDREW YOUNGER Last, but by no means least, of our outstandingMaster Class Tutors. A former attendee on PTO many years ago, Andyworked on the cruise ships for several years before settling down toopening his own studio specialising in social photography. He is aGraphistudio Ambassador and deep thinker about his work. Andy favoursworking with film and will share his reasons with delegates, explainingwhy he favours this particular route!

So there you have it, an outstanding line-up for the 29th annual PhotoTraining Overseas event. Delegates claim that possibly the best part ofthe annual extravaganza is the networking at the end if a busy trainingday; so if you find this appealing why not jump on board this provenand unique concept to improve you own abilities, the investment will bemore than worth it. Although the PTO allocation is reaching "House Full"you can still make you own direct arrangements, choosing flights fromyour local airports and reserving your accommodation, either direct withthe H10 Rubicon Palace Hotel or using one of the many internet bookingoperations' such as Booking dot com, Alpha Rooms, Travel Republic, etc.If you choose this route please still complete a downloadable bookingform from the PTO website where you will see there is atraining fee for the week of £450. Any questions, do not hesitate to

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:58:21

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