
Speakers' Corner - Jo Hansford - part 2 of 1 2

by Jo Hansford Published 01/11/2010


How you rectified it.
I got a job teaching photography to young people part time, which allowed me three days a week to focus on the business. I also decided I needed some training in marketing and sales, and discovered Contemporary Photographic Training at Annabel Williams' studio in the Lakes. In 2003 I signed up for their year long Bespoke course, and within a year my business dramatically changed and grew.

The lessons learnt.
You can't have a successful business if no-one knows about you. Equally, you'll never make a good living as a photographer unless you learn to develop and value your brand.

Are you excited by the evolution of imaging?
Very much so. The possibilities of digital imaging are endless. There is so much more I want to do and to shoot, there aren't enough hours in the days.

Is it getting harder or easier to make a decent living?
For me personally, it's got easier. As our brand has gained in strength and reputation, we have benefited from word of mouth and recommendation, which will always be the best and most genuine form of advertising. Even in a recession, people want great photographs to hold memories of key moments and chapters in their lives.

How do you stay ahead of the game?
I allow myself time out to re-charge, refresh and shoot my own personal work. I also try new things and take on new challenges when they come my way, so I'm constantly stretched and stimulated. A bored photographer will produce boring work!

How do organisations like The Societies help?
The key benefits for me are: a) an opportunity to network with other photographers and people in the industry and b) being able to learn and be inspired by the industry leaders.

What do you think will be the next big thing in the industry?
That's a trade secret

Would you want your own children to take up the reins of your empire?
No children here. We've tried training our longhaired chocolate brown (business colours) cat but so far, no signs of talent or inclination

Your plans for the next five years?
We are thinking about building a photography business in Portugal where we hope to settle in the next 10 years.

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1st Published 01/11/2010
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:10

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