
Speakers' Corner - Khara Plicanic - part 1 of 1 2

by Khara Plicanic Published 01/11/2010


Brief personal background and years as a pro.
I've been shooting professionally for roughly six years. My background is in graphic design and communication.

First camera/ photo experience.
I learned and shot my first wedding on Tri-X film with a Pentax K1000. My first DSLR was a Fuji S2.

Why photography?
Is there anything else?.

Film/digital (both?) Is there still any place for film?
I'm a Canon shooter and my labs handle all my output (I think the idea of managing my own printing sounds like a nightmare!)

Capture and output devices used
I use a Canon 5D with only pro lenses. I believe that neither Canon nor Nikon are any better than the other overall but the competition between the two are certainly making for better cameras. I just happen to choose a Canon for my first digital camera and so I will stick with it. I love my kit.

Bit of detail about your own studio set-up/staffing
I'm a one-woman show. Clients love knowing that if they have a question or concern, they will get me personally when they call (as opposed to a receptionist or studio manager).

The problem with professional photographers today is.....
Many of them seem to want a quick fix. Knowledge and experience take time to accumulate and photographers should be prepared to invest that time.


The worst commercial error you have made to date
Over scheduling myself. I experienced a summer of unexpected and insane growth. Shooting 150 senior portrait sessions on top of about 30 weddings and countless family sessions was a recipe for insanity.

How you rectify it.
I raised my prices (again and again) and set limits on my schedule.

The lessons learnt.
That's it's OK to say 'no.' It's OK not to take on every client that calls/emails/knocks on the door. Don't be afraid to specialise and shoot what you want, when you want, how you want.

Are you excited by the evolution of imaging?
I'm always excited! I think that more than ever, a solid understanding of the basics and good, sound business skills are essential to success.

Is it getting harder or easier to make a decent living?
Depends entirely on your attitude and business model. Where there's a will, there's a way!

How do you stay ahead of the game?
Education, experimentation and energy for fun.

You are currently on page 1 Contact Khara Plicanic

1st Published 01/11/2010
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:11

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