
Tea Party's rock Abbey of London - part 3 of 1 2 3

by Julie Hughes Published 01/08/2004

As the girls arrive, they are very excited, and love trying on clothes in the prop room. You must have help to keep things flowing smoothly. At least four people are needed for every ten girls. One person needs to concentrate and do just photography, smiling and chatting, and making great images.

Obviously you need to state early on, NO CAMERAS OF ANY SORT! We made that mistake on the first party, and consequently the parents were firing away in my studio! Be very up front about this and post signs. Have video for sale also so there are no excuses about the cameras. Simply state to the mum and all the guests ahead of time, no cameras. The birthday girl, and her parents are photographed first, then siblings and best friends follow.

Each child is photographed alone, and all of our birthday plans come with a gift 4x6 for everyone who came to the party. Charge according to how many guests there will be, and how elaborate they want the party to be. Have a menu guide with all the party options. They can add flowers, helium balloons, clowns, and even a miniature pony. Make the base plan very attractive, and add to it. We have had clients spend as little as $500 and as much as $7,000 including reorders from the guests. We find the income very similar to a wedding with much less stress, cost, and time.

Do make sure that your time is well managed. Our toy area, and games are a big attraction. Have at least one person in charge of serving and entertainment. Age- appropriate music, crafts, and bubbles are also a big hit. Put a favourite beverage in teapots, and let the girls serve themselves. We do use a lot of real china, and believe it or not, we have had not one cup broken.

Girls as young as three are perfectly capable young ladies, and they really enjoy serving the tea. Age-appropriate tea sandwiches, cheese chunks and crackers are also a favourite. Make sure the tea party area is not used until all the little girls are dressed and ready. We hang a pretty ribbon in front of the area until the appointed time, and then we let the Birthday girl cut the ribbon. All of this is photographed of course.

Please make sure that there is enough food and drink for adults as well for they are your guests and future clients. Be generous at your party, and make sure each child goes home with a nice gift. Dressy party favours on the table add to the charm. Barbie dolls and stuffed animals are popular over here. Make sure that the children change out of your lovely clothes before the cupcakes are served. This part of the party can be messy. Of course, everyone leaves, and you are left with the clean-up part. Do not let mom or guests help! Make sure to check the party clothes, and have them cleaned and ready for the next Diva Extravaganza! I hope that these ideas helps you make your clients happy, and put more money in your pocket Please do not hesitate to E-mail questions to .

Also, I would like to hear of any successes you have using our tea-party formula.

Best wishes!

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1st Published 01/08/2004
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:34

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