
Angie's Angle - Ruth Trotter - part 3 of 1 2 3 4

by Angela Adams Published 01/08/2015

What's the best single piece of business advice you'd like to share?
Keep on top of the paperwork and get help in the areas you struggle with, as it blocks progress!

Learning to become a competent photographer is a serious challenge, one that keeps us learning and exploring - what would you say is the most important challenge you've faced as a photographer in your business?
My biggest challenge has been self-doubt, not being sure I could run my own photography business. I'm also my own worst critic, which I believe is a common trait amongst photographers.

What's the one piece of kit, camera aside, that you wouldn't be without and why?
The McGillicuddy Classic 19" Beauty Dish. It's amazing and gives me the perfect lighting every time. It's collapsible, sturdy, very well made and built, without a doubt, with photographers in mind.

Looking at a photographer's portfolio can be revealing - what does your portfolio reveal about you?
I hear time and time again, that I capture not just a person but the person's personality when I photograph them. I've always tried to see the good in everything and everyone, so I guess that comes over in my portfolio.

Do you enter competitions, if so, is it with your day-to-day work or do you shoot specifically to create a competition image?
I do enter competitions, not as often as I'd like, however, and it's usually with my day-to-day work. Although I am aware that they're not the strongest images to submit. Currently, I just don't have time to create pictures specifically for competitions, as much as I'd like to. I've lost count of the awards I've received, not as many as I'd like, but then when is a photographer ever happy on that score.

What do you love the most about being a photographer?
Capturing keepsake images. In life we never know what is around the corner, so knowing you've helped to capture a treasured memory is amazing. None more so than the work I do with Remember My Baby. Before a life can even begin it's over, so the images I shoot for RMB are without a doubt the most meaningful I'll ever do in my career.

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1st Published 01/08/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:07

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