
A New Age Is Dawning - part 3 of 1 2 3

by Winston Ingram Published 01/02/2000


And so this is what I feel is in the future, and a very exciting future it is for the professional photographer.

Now for something a little bit different. For those of you who would enjoy cross-processing, there is a technique which gives some very, very fascinating results by taking photographs on colour negative and turning the negative into a colour transparency with slightly altered colour balance and then printing it on normal photographic paper in the RA4 process and how this is done is, you photograph your subjects onto ordinary C41 colour negative. You then develop the colour negative into ordinary black and white developer. I use the Ilford PQ Universal for this. You give the colour film the development time that you would normally give a standard black and white film. And I find that seven minutes in the developer at 21° - 25°C with a 10% solution is quite a good way of doing this. When you've developed, you then wash the film thoroughly. The next step, and here is the unusual bit, if you take the film out of the tank and you expose it to light, (the easiest way of doing this is to take two 240 watt photo-floods and shine one on each side of the film for about 5 minutes), You have then thoroughly exposed the film to light. You then put the film into a C41 developer. I use the photo speed C41 press kit developer, and the solution is 5 - 1 at 38° - 40°C for 3 minutes. You then put bleach fix straight in the second bath, which is a 5 - 1 solution for 6 minutes at 38° - 40°C. You then wash the film for 10 minutes. (Incidentally both the developer and bleach fix from black and white and colour should be agitated continually and they are all "one shot" - meaning you throw them away after use. After the 10-minute wash, dry your film and you will find that you have a positive image on your film. If you then print this image, directly onto paper, you will get a semi-negative, semi-positive, almost solarized looking image, with slightly different colour balance, which of course you can adjust to suit yourself on your enlarger. This makes a very interesting and quite exciting cross-processed photograph. Please send some of you examples in if you do this, and of course we will publish them in a future copy of the magazine.

To help you pass your qualifications, first of all, let me introduce to you, the members of the board. Chief Examiner - Winston Ingram, (who you will already be familiar with) has with him on the panel, Associate Professor John White (FRPS L.inst P) over sixty years in the business of photography, has served on various examination boards, a retired lecturer in photography and micro-electronics from Middlesex University. He has had many, many examples of his work published, was one of the official photographers for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and also official photographer for Garrards - the Royal Jewellers and photographed the official pictures of the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. We have Edwin Ingram, the General Manager of a large photographic lab in London, who is qualified to Fellowship level and was voted by Fuji, as to be one of the best colour printers in the world. We have Denis Watson, the Managing Director of Tapestry in Frith Street, one considered to be the top Corporate Image laboratory in London.


Having introduced the members of the examining board I think it also important for you to have some guide as to what the panel requires. And simply, although there is a leaflet that can be supplied by the Association, for Licentiateship level, you should have photographs which are of a merchantable quality, which are correctly exposed, lit and composed and will show some signs of originality or creativity. For the Associate level, you will have a panel of photographs of superb quality photography in every way and this will also as Licentiateship include the printing and presentation of the photographs, and they will be a panel which holds together as a group within themselves. In other words they will have some correlation and can be on a specialised subject, and must show a high degree of creativity and originality. For a Fellowship, virtually the same will apply as for an Associate, with the exception that the candidate must have a proven record in photography over a number of years, and must also be proven to have given some service in seminars, lectures, employment or research to the photographic industry. This is why of course, a Fellowship is so difficult to obtain, not only is it the high standard but also the respect of the Fellow that is required to obtain this high level.

A very exciting bit of news for the new millennium is now the Association is not only giving the members the opportunity to qualify in Wedding and Portrait, but also in all other disciplines associated with photography, with qualifications that will of course be recognised world wide we have now panels to deal with advertising photography, public relations, press and sports photography, a special panel in medical photography, photomicrography and forensics and other specialised disciplines. Also landscape and architecture, so therefore there is no discipline that you could not take a qualification in that would be recognised and help you to further your future successful career. We will be publishing in the magazine as the new year commences, various examples of the work of the new qualified members in the new disciplines that the examination boards are now set up and qualified to examine in.

In conclusion, as you can see, we have very, very exciting time ahead. If you're a member, keep up your membership and try for higher qualifications. You will be encouraged to the full. Try and get further training in the many seminars that our organisation is offering and also the one-to-one tuition and workshops run by Winston Ingram in London. Start participating in the offered promotions that are there to help you earn more money, increase your turnover and have a more successful business. Start submitting your photographs and your articles for publication in your magazine - the quality of which is quite outstanding and is an excellent opportunity and window for the members. Use the help line for your legal, technical and business problems. Lets all pull together to make the Society the top organisation of the 21st Century!

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1st Published 01/02/2000
last update 09/12/2022 14:50:59

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