
Andrew Dobell - part 1 of 1 2 3

by Andrew Dobell Published 01/10/2015


1. In just one sentence, what is yourdefinition of a creative image?
A creative image can be pretty much anything really,but for me, I suppose it's something with an artisticflair, something a little different, something thatstands out and pushes the boundaries.

2. Are creative images part of your incomemix?
A small but growing part, and I hope a much biggerpart in the near future.

3. Do you sell creative images as prints orcards or for stock?Yes, I sell my images as prints. I also have a Patreonpage where people get to see more images.

4. How do you go about idea generation?
It's not something that I really consciously control,Ideas come to me at all times from pretty muchanywhere.

5. Do you keep a scrap-book or notebookof ideas?
I keep an inspiration folder on my computer, filledwith ideas, sketches and images I like.

6. Do you make concept sketches?
Sometimes, depends on the shoot and the ideas.


7. Do you paint or sketch in non-electronicmediums?
I do, I work as an illustrator still so yes, I use mydrawing skills still.

8. Do you visit art galleries?
Not as often as I should.

9. Who are your favourite image creators?
I enjoy the work of photographers such as Glyn Dewis,Corey Barker, Steve Thewis, Brandon Cawood, MichaelHerb, Dollhouse Photography, George Fairbairn,Adrian Sommeling, Larry Rostant, Miss Aniela, DerekJohnston, Nina Y,, Renee Robyn andmore.I also love the work of illustrators such as AdamHughes, Frank Cho and more.

10. Do you keep a stock of potential imagesfor use as backgrounds, skies, buildings,etc and if so how do you browse them?
Yes, I do, and I use either the operating system orAdobe Bridge.

You are currently on page 1 Contact Andrew Dobell

1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:02

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