
Andrew Dobell - part 2 of 1 2 3

by Andrew Dobell Published 01/10/2015


11. Do you use sketches to aid composition,perspective choice or lighting direction?
Sometimes, yes.

12. Do you generate the idea and thengo and source the images using theintended lighting and perspective?
It varies. When I'm taking my time, then I dobrainstorm, then gather reference, which mightinclude sketches before moving onto the shoot.

13. Which is your preferred imagemanipulation program, if it is Photoshop,what version and do you use anythingelse?
Photoshop CC.

14. What is your preferred method ofadjusting masks in montaging?
Depends on what I'm doing, but I do a lot of painting onlayer masks with the paint brush.


15. Do you make intermediate proofs or storeinstances of work in progress?
I probably should do more of this.

16. How do you determine that an image isfinished?
It's a gut feeling, you just know when you have doneenough and that anything beyond that is pointless andyou're starting to ruin your image.

17. How do you harmonise colour across amontage of different image sources?
I adjust the individual layers and then finish by addingAdjustment layers to harmonise the image.

18. If creative images are not part of yourmainstream income, why do you makethem?
Because I love the process. If you don't love it, youwouldn't do it. Artists love the journey as much as theend result.

19. How long do you spend on each image?
It varies, but it's often between two and three hours.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:02

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