
John Baikies Remote Desktop - part 1 of 1 2 3 4

by John Baikie Published 01/12/2012


Okay, so after taking a bit of a battering in the last issue by a desperate housewife, I have licked my wounds, and I am back....Okay I'm joking, but I do wish to fight back slightly. I won't disrespect another photographer by referring to them by their surname but will just point out a couple of key points for Laura's benefit, and the benefit of the other readers who may have missed the point, although judging by the response I had to her article, I think most do get it. Firstly, at no stage did I say that my feature was supposed to be some sort of interpretation of the trashy novel discussed. It was merely a tongue in cheek piece of humour at the start of the article which referred to the book.


The article, I'm sure most folk will realise, was a test on the pocket wizards, and apart from using some kinky props, that was the end of the 50 Shades side of thing. Secondly, and more importantly, I haven't read the book, and neither had the model. As I said, I merely used the chat on Facebook as a reason to dig out some props I already had. So enough about my famous props cupboard, and on to this month's article.

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1st Published 01/12/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:28

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