
Clever Auto Painting With Corel Painter - part 1 of 1 2 3 4 5 6

by Jane Conner-ziser Published


Most traditional painters start their compositions by creating an under painting, or simple blended blocks of colour and value, to set the balance of tones and the locations of the objects within the confines of the canvas. Then, they begin adding colours and blending them, starting with larger brushes and heavy blending in areas outside the focal points and finishing with fine detail brushes that are only slightly blended in the focal point areas.


Some areas of paintings are primarily "busy work". Plain backgrounds just need some added colour and a blend of repetitive strokes. Thick leaves are not usually painted one by one, but represented by colours and strokes of a repetitive nature to suggest the shapes of leaves.

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1st Published
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:51

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