
Clever Auto Painting With Corel Painter - part 4 of 1 2 3 4 5 6

by Jane Conner-ziser Published


Practice a few strokes to get the feel of how the paint is going to move and when you're comfortable, go to the "more options" arrow (far right corner on the Brush Selector window), scroll down to "record stroke". The next stroke you make will be recorded. I'm going to make a wiggly stroke (shown in white paint, but recorded in grainy water).


Now, go back to the more options arrow and scroll down to Auto Playback. When you click on it, Painter will begin to repeat your stroke within your selected area. It will continue to paint until you stop it by clicking inside your marching ants selection. Watch the painting process and stop it when the colours you added are nicely blended in. Don't let it blend too long or the colours will disappear and you will not like the results. I stopped mine at this point:

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1st Published
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:51

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