
Denton in Turkey and Cyprus - part 2 of 1 2 3 4

Published 01/02/2012


Just time to drop the bags and straight out on the town with our superb guide, Kayhan Durukan. I had the pleasure of meeting Kayhan at one of my talks at the last Convention.

He's a top bloke and proved to have endless energy in leading us around the city and telling us about it. The streets were thronged with good natured people of all ages, this despite the fact that local rivals Galatasaray and Besiktas had played football that day. There was no hint of the over-riding menace that dominates so many of our town centres on a Saturday night. We wandered the streets munching a never-ending stream of chocolate, chestnuts and other goodies bought from various street stalls. Eventually we ended up in a restaurant where we were provided with another stream of food, all of it vaguely unidentifiable, but delicious. Even better it was all washed down with a bottle of Rakus, the local firewater which certainly warms inside and out. A lovely evening with Kayhan and his friends, and a wonderful introduction to the city.

Next day it was down to business. A bridal seminar for around 30 local photographers. As it turned out they weren't that local, with some having travelled for several hours across this huge country to be with us. I was working with an interpreter which can be a challenge but our man was superb and had a good working knowledge of photography which helped him translate some of the finer points.


I held back on my usual rapid-fire delivery though and realised that there were limits to his abilities as he struggled to find the Turkish for 'fek' and 'dog cak'. We started simply enough, with a little natural light stuff on the steps of the hotel. In the afternoon we explored a little flash before the big finale....The hotel boasted a fantastic pool and it was just crying out for a Tanya and wedding dress in it!

The water was fairly cool so she couldn't stay in too long but it was worthwhile for some different images. A great day and the excitement and interest from our Turkish colleagues was an energiser throughout the session. A well deserved, if I say so myself - a beer or two, followed by another splendid meal and so to bed.

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1st Published 01/02/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:53:12

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