
Malta Invaded Again! - Martin Grahame-Dunn follows the Knights - part 3 of 1 2 3

by Martin Grahame-Dunn Published 01/04/2006

The Maltese Marathon is always traditionally held in the last week of February, well that's according to the guidebooks! The entrance to M'dina was flanked by spectators as the decimated athletes made their last painful strides to the finish line, to the strains of a typical Mediterranean brass band, bellowing out what sounded like the 'March of the Toreadors'. So much for the 'Silent City'!

Moving from location to location I had the pleasure of art directing the shoots giving the large group of camera-wielders ample opportunities to capture countless images of our stunning model, Anabel. I even managed to rope in the make-up artist, Clare, as an additional model to sate their thirst. As a teacher I have to say that it is phenomenally gratifying to see the capture of my conceptualised images appear on the backs of a legion of digital cameras, more or less as I had imagined them, had I been the photographer. Quite honestly, there is nothing like a totally 'hand's on' masterclass, witnessing immediate achievement and in glorious Mediterranean weather. A real soul stirrer.

Clothes, cameras, laptops, completed membership application forms (thanks to all our new members) and the big silver box full of Mike's digital potions all safely packed and stowed, it was off to Birgu Victoriana for a fantastic 'farewell' meal in the company of over 20 of the weekend's delegates to round off another magical Maltese experience.

Monday morning, 4.30am and it's off to the airport chauffeured again by our Maltese hosts whose hospitality seems to have no bounds. Heartfelt goodbye's exchanged, tired but satisfied we all knew we were leaving an unforgettable experience behind. So, side by side on Air Malta flight 138, Mike and I shared our recent reminiscences and anecdotes of the trip and put pens to paper recording this adventure for posterity while Mrs Mac tried to grab forty winks,

no doubt dreaming of her own Maltese adventures. Happy thoughts and happy memories motivate us all. I have left a special part of my heart in the careful custody of my Maltese friends. I don't know when I will return, but what I do know is that the members of the SWPP & BPPA will have a fantastic opportunity to participate in the Maltese Institute of Professional Photographer's 10th anniversary celebrations later this year.

Phil and Juliet are determined to take a substantial delegation to enjoy a long weekend of photography, fellowship, culture and celebrations as they export a few of their best lecturers to educate and entertain. The Maltese have some tremendous talent of their own who they are equally anxious to showcase and share. A Gala Awards dinner, print competitions, seminars in stunning locations and cultural visits to a few of the island's historic sites being a recipe for a wonderful event. All I can do is encourage you to contact Head Office or scan the website to book your place on this very special event. Perhaps you too can then share in the magic that is Malta.

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1st Published 01/04/2006
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:22

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