
Jerry Ghionis Man on a mission - part 2 of 1 2 3

by Jerry Ghionis Published 01/08/2012


From those simple beginnings Jerry has now moved on to become an international photographer, with an influence in a number of different countries. "Winning awards has certainly helped me to reach out to others, as have all of the speaking platforms that I have participated in over the years," he says. "Because I have no children it's given me the freedom to travel and teach for over ten years. Being able to travel to many different countries and teach during this time has certainly increased my profile within the industry. I currently live with my wife Melissa in Melbourne and in Beverly Hills, and we spend approximately four months in each city and then another four months travelling abroad for weddings and speakingengagements."

Still shooting

True to his creative instincts, however, Jerry could never bring himself to totally give up life behind the camera, but he's clearly a busy man these days and, unlike the way that most photographers run their businesses, he finds himself having to ration the number of shoots that he takes on. So, how difficult is it for a bride who loves his style to make a booking? "Melissa and I continue to shoot up to twenty weddings each year," he says, "and we also take on several portrait and fashion assignments as well. As we travel quite a bit, most of our enquiries come through email and then lead to a meeting either via Skype or in person in Melbourne or Beverly Hills. Although we travel extensively, we still manage to give our clients an incredible experience while they are working with us."

The endless globetrotting also means that Jerry and Melissa have had to find innovative ways to extend their training to as wide an audience as possible, and the formation of the online Ice Society has allowed many who might never have the chance to attend a workshop in the flesh to get the full benefit of the experience wherever they might be in the world.


"By the time I present at the Socieites Convention in January 2013 it will mark five years since the Ice Society was launched," says Jerry. "True to its name, the Ice Society is all about inspiring, challenging and educating fellow photographers.

Every month there is a new chapter of information including videos, tutorials, critiques, etc. Having to share my work every month with thousands of photographers forces me never to become complacent. We currently have several thousand members of the Ice Society, and our plan for the future is to continue giving even more value to members while creating more platforms to challenge photographers. Repetition, experience and practice will always be your best teacher. The Ice Society provides the tools for photographers to manifest those traits.

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1st Published 01/08/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:46

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