
Ornaments and Brushes - how to use them - part 2 of 1 2 3

by Suzette Allen Published 01/04/2008

I frequently use ornaments in high key images to spice up the vast white....[Fig 9, 10]. For these two images, I used some Photo Ornaments & Frames from Graphic Authority (use code: Allen20 for 20% off!!) to add a few scrolls and interest. The trick to making them so soft and subtle is the outer glow and no fill.

Pregnancy Image: Layer style recipe: Loopies were in soft grey (so they showed up slightly on white) and layer style of outer glow (white) at 62 px size.

Mommy-Kids Image: Layer style recipe: Loopies were any colour (Fill lowered to 0 so they are completely clear) Layer style: outer glow, but reversed to an 'outer darkness'. Here's how: Use outer glow and choose a dark colour (med brown) but it won't show up with the blending mode of screen, so change the blending mode to Multiply! Opacity of 31%. [Fig 11]

Sometimes I use one huge brush to make a cool background and add something besides white. [Fig 12] This is created from one of the Victorian Brushes as well, and you can see how I used it to create this in the accompanying video that comes with this article if you have signed up for my Smart Subscription! (get this article IN PRINT by Blossom Publishing, with a VIDEO by me and a FREE BRUSH or ACTION each month for just $9.95!) Here is a before/ process/ after trio: [Fig 13]


Aside from my virtual matting and framing, I often do subtle (or not so subtle!) framing of my images with graphics and ornaments! One of my favourite brush sets is the Loopy Brushes and it has a crazy, distressed, loopy edge/frame in it too....looks great with seniors.

This brush is two sided. I made one layer for the two sides, duplicated it and rotated 90 degrees and that layer made the top/bottom 'frame'. [Fig 14] For my 'virtual mats' I also make sure they are different from a mat they can buy from a frame shop, so I often spice them up with a scattering brush of flowers or stars or subtle swirls for fun! This brush is a scattering flower design and available with other flowers such as sunflowers: 'Flower Brushes' in the TwoBits Series! [Fig 15]


Brushes and overlays can play a big role in setting a mood in an image, too. In this image of a lovely senior, the scrolls added a lot of softness and romance. She even has tiny black ones on her eyelashes for fantasy-each layer is just turned to approx 25% opacity, but no style applied. [Fig 16] Brushes: Simple Scrolls-Two bits series Brushes

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1st Published 01/04/2008
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:14

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