
Corel Painter 11 - part 2 of 1 2 3 4 5

by Mike McNamee Published


Carol also painted up a new piece based around a wedding theme (her grandson Tom as a page). In his essay on wedding albums, Dave Simm talks about marking yourself out from the crowd with your design work and Painter is another avenue that can provide that unique, one-off touch to your album design or portraiture. When using it as part of an album you might reasonably expect to get some wall portraiture requests of your 'painterly' work. Carol can doodle the clone brush sketches in a matter of minutes, important if you are not initially being paid to create a full digital art job within the album - the trick perhaps is to tempt the client (or their friends) to engage you in a more elaborate digital masterpiece which will earn you some money!

Colour Management

Claims are made for improved colour management with this new version of Painter. The program accurately picked up on our default profiles of Fogra 39 and Adobe RGB, presumably it had a peek at the system folder of the workstation.


We set up the on-screen soft proofing for both Adobe CS4 and Painter and then compared the view (see below). They were close but not identical; the Photoshop version was slightly less contrasty and had more detail in the shadows. This was confirmed by taking a simultaneous screen grab and then making eye-dropper measures. It was only a couple of per cent, but there was a difference. Despite this you should be able to make a reasonably good attempt using just the screen view within Painter (assuming you have a calibrated monitor of course!).

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1st Published
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:17

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