
Propping up the industry - part 1 of 1 2 3 4

Published 01/10/2015

If you're looking for creative studio props and background ideas that will dazzle clients, reap financial reward and encourage repeat business, you've come to the right place, suggests - Gavin Stoker

Even in this digital age where an increasing amount of creativity happensat a tap of a finger or the click of a computer mouse, props andbackgrounds still have an essential role to play in helping photographersget their shot just right in-camera, first time. Whether your studio is inthe back room, the garden shed or at a plush address in London's Mayfair(we can all dream), deploying a few secret weapons when it comes tosetting up your shots can pay dividends, lending them greater impactand hopefully making them more desirable in the eyes of your customersand clients by raising the standard above what they could readily achievein their own environs.

With the above in mind we're presenting this curated snapshot of what iscurrently available in terms of photographic props and backgrounds, fromsimple, classic black and white studio backdrops to props of distinction -all affordable, practical and moreover creative options that will enhanceyour imagery and, hopefully, your professional profile into the bargain.

Lux S

Formerly Lux S Studio Decor and now the more succinct 'LuxS' - this isthe place to go for all your photographic background needs. In termsof what you should choose, it tells us that while traditional white vinylbackgrounds are still popular, 'an equal and opposite force' is increasingdemand for mid tonal backgrounds, particularly browns and to a lesserextent blue. It also suggests a steady stream of photographers are lookingfor 18% grey and black, and recommends its 'light killer' in the SuperSoftBlack Curtain. Manufactured by LuxS, three sizes are stocked: 3x6 metres,3x3m and 2x2.7m; prices starting at £82.80. It also offers to make you upblackout curtains to order.

In terms of white vinyl backgrounds, LuxS proposes options from 3x3metres up to 3x6 metres, which it notes are the heaviest (at 900gsm) andmost durable available. A fabric weave within the vinyl is what's claimedgives it its strength, with an ability to resist even stiletto heels. There is awide range of options to choose from, with prices sub-£300.

Photographers looking for an interesting mix of colour tones meanwhileare directed to the backgrounds LuxS also offers for hire, manufacturedby US firm Denny, for whom LuxS acts as UK distributor. Among them arethe creatively enticing 'warmed over' and 'soft solitude' backgrounds. Thecost of hiring a background starts at £60 per week, including delivery toa UK address.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:46

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