
Propping up the industry - part 3 of 1 2 3 4

Published 01/10/2015

"As photographers ourselves I think we differ from most shops in that weknow what works and we stick to developing new products that our clientswant and use. We have tried to avoid following trends - and instead wehave tried to develop a range of products that are timeless."The other big news is that it has invested in a large format printer that canprint on fabrics up to 64-inches wide. "We have the capability to print onmany different fabrics and are exploring new materials to add to the range,"adds Nicholas. "We offer backdrops, floors and floordrops in three differentmaterials and have created a high quality backdrop and floordrop rangethat can be shipped quickly and affordably across the UK and Europe.

"We design a lot of products from scratch usually through necessity inour own studios and discussions with our customers. The Baby Prop ShopPosing Beanbag is a prime example of this. We were fed up of post editingcreases in backdrops and didn't want a cumbersome frame in the studio sowe created the bungee system that allows the photographer to tighten thebackdrop and thus reduce the crease lines. It's simple but very effective."Another of the Baby Prop Shop's most popular products is claimed to bethe 24-inch wide Dreamwood Bowl, hand crafted from small pieces ofdriftwood. "This is a beautiful prop that is big enough to be used with twins,the only problem is keeping up with demand!"

Also worth a mention are Flokati Rugs: "Such an easy prop to use, handmadeFlokati's are made from 100% wool with a very thick pile, babies love themand we are now developing our own colours," Nicholas concludes.

Click Props

At the time of writing Click Props, a regular at The Societies Convention, wasalso poised to launch new product in the shape of its Posing Apple CrateSets. MD Charlie Kaufman tells us that here will be a choice of whitewashedand brown-toned versions and they will each come with coordinatingmini faux furs. A new posing bucket in a grey/blue will also be joining itsextensive range of trench bowls and baskets.

In further product news, Click Props also has five new tutus, maternitydresses plus what it describes as a gorgeous antique cream lacey dress,available in sizes up to five years old. Early January and in time for theConvention will see the launch of 30+ new Click Props backgrounds andflooring, developments based, it says, on feedback received from clientsover the past year.

But the big news is Click's revolutionary new way of buying its props andbackgrounds, while enjoying discounts and savings with over 25 trade

supplier partners. The Prop Club and Background Club have over 50members already and are the perfect solution for photographers wantingto carefully budget their prop and background expenditure, according toCharlie.

Finally, Click Props invites members of The Societies to call for advice on01923 297417, come and talk to the team at the Convention, or simply visitthe below URL for a more extensive current product overview.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:46

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