
Getting Started in Business as a photographer - part 3 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Published 01/04/2015


Your tax sorted by TWD Accountants

It's an unavoidable consequence of turning pro that you're going to need and want to keep close track of money in-coming and outgoing and have a professional accountant sort out all the sums and paperwork - leaving you to get on with the creative task of taking the pictures (or video) that is going to generate you income in the first place. In this regard TWD can help out; again this is an accountancy firm that regularly exhibits at The Societies' Convention and can offer specialist help and advice to photographers when it comes to tax assessmentand VAT returns, and relieve you of such laborious, tedious and time-consuming tasks. Naturally, you also don't want to be paying out more than you need to, to the taxman, and this is another valuable reason for employing qualified accountants rather than tackling the self-assessment form yourself.

TWD Accountants' pitch is that they provide a very reasonable, fixed fee accountancy service for the self-employed and small businesses - so, therefore, you know your commitment in advance. It helps a client base in the thousands sort out their personal tax affairs, from securing tax refunds to carrying out personal tax reviews. Offering a nationwide service, its knowledgeable staff is made up of qualified accountants and senior ex-Revenue staff.


Thanks to the system it employs, there is often no need for face-to face meetings - thus clients can be based anywhere in the UK and still make use of TWD's services and expertise when it comes to advising photographers. This both helps maintain lower costs and avoids soaring hourly charges sometimes associated with high street accountants. However, while generally speaking its services are provided by post, phone or email, there is always the opportunity to arrange a client meeting at TWD's Stockport office if so wished.

The fixed fee paid to TWD - £299 including VAT, or flexible payment options of £24.92 per month, or £74.75 per quarter - includes the completion of your annual accounts and self-assessment tax return, as well as discussion of your draft accounts by telephone. As well as calculating your position with regard to tax, it will also look for ways to reduce the tax you pay as well as submitting your accounts to HMRC, deal with all correspondence and answer your taxation queries. Access to TWD's in house experts is year round, however, and there is even one-year free access to its online bookkeeping system.

As an established accountancy firm photographers can trust, TWD files on average 5,000 tax returns per annum and says that each year its business continues to enjoy steady growth. For more, email TWD's Christine Fairbrother via or call 0800 093 9433.

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1st Published 01/04/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:16

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