
Terry Donnelly Profile - part 2 of 1 2 3

Published 01/10/2015


Personal work can really challenge you to step out of your comfort zoneand try a new angle that may well attract clients. 'A client is buying theexperience of working with you and they'll often want to know moreabout what you get up to in your personal time. Sometimes clients willeven suggest ideas for future projects. Much of my own personal workis used for competitions and gaining awards, so I love to show it on mywebsite. Many people first come into contact with my commercial work,so having personal projects online lets them see a different dimension tomy photography.'

Currently Terry is working on several different personal projects, but hismain focus is a series on conceptual relationships that he's had on the gofor several years. 'There are currently 23 images in the project and they allportray relationships that people have with others. Twenty of those imagesformed my successful Associateship panel earlier this year and I've added anumber of images to the project recently that I've shot on workshops I haverun.' Terry starts the process of creating a shot with a mood board that heshares with everyone on the team. 'It's only a starting point because I likemy shoots to be dynamic and fluid so I purposely allow some wiggle-roomto see what develops creatively as a shoot is taking place.'


All of Terry's shoots are treated as a team effort and everyone has theopportunity to have input. 'While ultimately it is me who is creating theimage; it's great to have input and ideas along the way and I alwaysencourage that'. Terry often shoots a model in the studio environment witha background in mind that he has shot elsewhere. However, sometimeshe finds that a model and background just come together later on andfrom that he sets about creating an image. The skills that Terry practisesin his personal work often get put into practice for his commercial clients.'Compositing can be very cost effective and ultimately save a lot of moneyfor a client. I recently shot members of senior management for a hugecorporation where each person's availability was limited. I approached theclient and suggested we shoot each member individually and once we hadeach person photographed, we composited the individual images togetherinto a seamless photograph with a company background. This not onlymade the image possible, it saved a lot of money and hassle for the clienttoo.'

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:37

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