
The Interview Vernon Miles - part 1 of 1 2 3 4

by Mike McNamee Published 01/01/2005


How did you get started in photography?

From an early age I learned to play the keyboard, with the help of a music teacher; I was soon aware that all teachers were not the same but I did manage to find a tutor who had my interest at heart, and in two years I was actually starting to earn money from some thing I enjoyed doing. At age eleven that was rather a nice situation to be in. Peopleliked what I did and asked if I would like to play at their own venue, this happened a number of times and before long I was earning a very good weekly wage. Later on, I also started in an office doing clerical work.This gave me the opportunity to buy my first house, a house that needed renovating; this was my third job, (irons in the fire so tospeak). I attended college to study teaching skills, and once the house was near completion, I also started to teach music. I did not teach in a set way, I would find out what style of music a pupil was interested in and then adapt my teaching skills to bring them on at the fastest pace possible.Over the years I have had a lot of pupils progress to the London College of Music and qualify with honours.

At some point my day job got in the way; I simply did not have the time to go to work! I also started another business, selling health and nutrition products. I had taken them myself, had good results, and started telling every person I came into contact with all about them. Given the chance to explain about this fantastic product, I became the UK's topdistributor for that month.This opened up the way to attend some lectures around the UK and America organised for the top performing sales people by the operating company.

One of the key lecturers was the famous philosopher Jack Rowan and the topics covered the philosophy & psychology of selling.The next milestone was to get married.Having chosen a photographer for mywedding in 1999, the results were good but also made me think "I could have done that" and at that point my whole world changed. Photography gave me a driven, focused vision, which, over time developed into a passion. Creativity is a never-ending experience that expands and grows.

You are currently on page 1 Contact Mike McNamee

1st Published 01/01/2005
last update 09/12/2022 14:59:41

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