
Lisa Beaney - Speakers Corner - part 2 of 1 2 3

by Lisa Beaney Published 27/10/2017


What’s the worst commercial error you have made to date?
Working for free to be “credited” for the images.

How did you rectify the mistake?
You soon learn that you can be very busy working for nothing. It is rare that the “exposure” the “credited” images get will ever bring you any business.

The lessons learnt?
To negotiate. Whilst a company may not want to pay cash for photography it is always possible to get something other than a credit…. Ie if a venue wants to use your images then negotiate a free stand at their wedding fair.

Is it getting harder or easier to make a decent living?
As photography is changing it is getting harder especially in the “social” photography side but there are still people that are willing to pay for a quality product.


How do you stay ahead of the game?
By making sure that we can provide something that people cannot do themselves. Incorporating filming in to what we do and providing a high quality finished product.

How do organisations such as The Societies of Photographers help?
Being a photographer can be quite a solitary job. It is great to have a community of people you can turn to. It provides a wealth of information and support !

Why is The Societies of Photographers Convention such a big deal for photographers?
It is the one place that everyone gets together each year ! All the manufacturers that I need to see are exhibiting so it is a great chance to catch up with the latest products as well as becoming inspired by the speakers that I go and listen to.

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1st Published 27/10/2017
last update 09/12/2022 14:56:02

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