
i1 Display Pro ColorMunki Display - part 9 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

by Art Suwansang Published 01/06/2012


Epson 1810 with an average error of 2 DE LabABOVE:

The report data translated into a Lab plot with arrows showing the change of colour away from the target point. In prints desaturation is often present but the projector expands the gamut in the yellows and yellow greens. The skin errors, compromised by the poor reds, are some of the larger overall errors.



The hue and chroma (saturation) portions of the errors are plotted on a polar diagram. The further a point is from the origin (the 0, 0 point) the worse the error. The coloured dots are an indication of the position of the error point on the colour wheel. Visually hue errors are the most costly in terms of damaging the look of a projected image. The skin tones are poor performers.

Art Suwansang is an award winning international wedding photographer, educator and lecturer based in Southern California. He lectures for multiple photographic organisations, consults for multiple photographers and companies internationally, and offers digital photography tutorials through his new website Rule of 3Rds Additionally, he is also an adjunct professor with a specialisation in emerging digital imaging technologies at Santa Monica College and University of La Verne. Visit his webite at

Mike McNamee is a stroppy little redhead (ex redhead actually) who tries to edit Professional Imagemaker and occasionally loses his temper with Windows-based systems and device drivers while resisting the temptation to become a fully-fledged Mac Monkey.

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1st Published 01/06/2012
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:42

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