
Paper Chase - The New Permajet FB Range - part 2 of 1 2 3 4

by Mike McNamee Published 01/10/2015


FB Gold Silk 315
Gold Silk delivered a number of best-in-class statistics oncolour audit, even better than the last time we tested it. Thenew low errors were achieved in the skin tones (0.68ΔEoo),greys (1.21ΔEoo) and the HiGAM patch set (1.98 ΔEoo -equal best) with the overall average being within just twohundredths of the best we have measured. Overall then, anear flawless performance. The slight difference betweenthis latest test and previous may be due to our profilingspecifically for this batch of papers (consecutive sheets!). Itcould also be simply statistical chance, but who cares? It'svery good, so enjoy it!

The good data is in part due tothe intrinsic properties ofthe paper but alsobecause thebase tone isso close totrue neutral- nothing getsmucked aboutwith. Somepeople like animage with a bitmore punch toit (the Americanscall it 'pop'). For ourreal print test wechose a Vicki Boulterimage with sumptuousyellows and oranges - itlooked a treat!

FB Distinction 320
The base properties are tabled and graphed.This surface is the whitest, coolest and mostfluorescent of the group. This delivers a goodpop to the print - that indefinable zing thatyou recognise even if you cannot put a wordydescription on it. For our real print test we choseAndrew Dobell's signature image, a composite ofskies, skyscrapers, Spiderman and his girl. It suitsthe subject well with the overall cool tones beingemphasised by the paper. The reds and yellows in theimage, which are support colours to the composition(but important!) are slightly dulled, but the treatment isalready desaturated in any case.

When you examine the colour audit data, the effect ofthe OBAs and their cooling can be seen in the Lab plot(compared alongside Gold Silk). Note the Gold Silk datastay centred around the neutral white point but that forDistinction are 'heading south' towards the base blue. Wehave also sliced out the hue error data for the Macbethswatch set (which is mainly mid-gamut tones). The spreadshows higher errors in the yellow-red quadrant of the plot(the upper right).

The higher errors do not imply criticism of FB Distinctionit is simply that yellows, reds (and so skin tones) will bedepressed, so you might avoid the paper for subjects inwhich these are vital.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:33

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