
Paper Chase - The New Permajet FB Range - part 4 of 1 2 3 4

by Mike McNamee Published 01/10/2015


FB Matt 285
This paper is the only matt surface in the group and requiresthe use of Mk ink with the Epson systems.

As expected, the statistics are depressed in comparison withthe 'glossy' cousins but it nevertheless holds up reasonablywell. We chose to use Enhanced Matt Paper as our mediasetting. This seems to deposit ink at a level which justflooded the surface for certain patches but the resultingblotchiness died down after a couple of minutes of standing.Some of the detail in the shadows also emerged onstanding. The shadows differentiated down to 20RGB pointsand the highlights up to 252 points.

The Dmax was 1.58, the CII (metamerism) 2.84 and thegamut volume 629,288. These are good but not noteworthyreadings.

The bulk of the errors on colour audit were in the lightnesschannel, the patches were on average 1.3% too light. Theoverall colour was good with values in both ΔC/w andΔH/w. The blues and purples were the higher error coloursin all channels. The overall colour error was 3.35ΔEoo for allpatches placing the media close to the top of the peer groupof matt papers - a good result in other words.

The retention of detail for this paper was quite good withjust a hint of edge bleeding on a couple of the heavierpatches.


While choice is frequently a good thing, the simplificationof the range releases more time to get on with whatreally matters. Having two similar papers can tempt theprinter into trying both, whereas they might be better offtrying two prints at slightly different settings on the samesurface! Always remember that the client (or judge) onlysees the option that you put before them.

The main choice to be made concerns the level ofbrightness and the tolerance towards optical brighteningagents. None of the range is better or worse than itscompanions; they all have their plus points, some ofwhich are outstanding in one way or another - theyare right up there with the best of the barytas and canbe used with complete confidence for all premiumapplications.

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1st Published 01/10/2015
last update 09/12/2022 14:57:33

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