
Angie's Angle - Maria Michael - part 3 of 1 2 3 4 5 6

by Angela Adams Published 01/07/2016


What percentage of your time is spent creating images versus time spent on business administration and marketing?

Before entering a certain field of work, I find we can imagine a fantasy scenario of days filled with all the things we enjoy. However, we know more often than not, the reality is far removed from the fantasy. It was like that for me in social work and even more so in photography. I do think though, running your own business without any staff, is what keeps the scales tipped in the wrong direction. Not only are we photographers, but also take on the roles of personal assistant, IT assistant, accountant, social media and website expert - and then there's advertising, marketing, etc.

The reality is, approximately 70% of my time is spent on everything other than creating images, which is sad, but also a necessity.

Do you manage your own Website, SEO, Marketing, Social Media Presence and PR or do you pay others to do that for you?

No, that's all me. I have to hold my hands up and say, 'I'm a bit of a control freak'. I would rather learn to do something myself and have long-term control over it, than pay someone to do it for me. This is especially important for things like my website and social media presence; they're part of my professional identity, influencing how others see me and my company.

I am aware, however, there are companies out there who can do a much better job in certain areas, so I've already outlined some services to outsource to enhance the efficiency and productivity of the business.


What's the one piece of kit - camera aside, that you wouldn't be without and why?

Without a doubt, my Spider Holster Pro belt. I reached a stage where I was really struggling with holding my kit and worried what the future might hold. I trialled various straps and even changed my camera system in an attempt to help me cope. This piece of kit has changed my photography life, alleviating pain and allowing me to work for longer due to the weight distribution of the kit.

If you could start your business again from day one, what would you (if anything) do differently?

This is a difficult question for me to answer as I strongly believe making mistakes is vital in the learning process. Hence, I rarely have regrets; making mistakes and learning to correct them helps us to gain a deeper understanding of our craft and in turn ourselves. I guess one thing I would do differently is to have not wasted so much money on things I didn't need and to be more organised from the very beginning. Although I'd never have understood the importance then, but over the years it is amazing how one's mindset changes.

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1st Published 01/07/2016
last update 09/12/2022 14:51:03

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