
Get on course... for success! - part 5 of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Published 01/04/2013

Simulacra Studio workshops

With a new studio space beneath converted railway arches in South London - which used to be Brixton East train station - owner/photographer/creative director Francois Boutemy offers several 'levels' of photographic workshop. These range from an intensive hour's shooting across two different themed sets with a model and a make-up artist, which costs just £50, to a full day's shooting from £300. Depending on what you require from the shoot, Simulcra can tailor what they offer - including the actual studio sets.

"We get either novice photographers enjoying their first time in a studio or professionals who want to upgrade their portfolio but don't have the budget to construct a shoot just for that purpose," Francois elaborates.

The one-hour 'meet up' shoots take place at least once a month with a different theme each time, and allow photographers one-to-one time with the model. "As we shoot on two sets the time is 30 minutes per set. We use very different make-up and props and pride ourselves on really dressing the set." Recent themes have included 'Lingerie versus Latex' and 'Sleeping Beauty versus Wicked Queen'.

The second option is a full day's one-to-one session with a model and make-up artist, both of which are also arranged for the photographer by the studio. "We can work on the light and the theme to help them get a really professional shoot underway. It's priced dependent on how far they want to take it: for example one trainee asked for a rain-water feature, which costs more than someone who just wants to concentrate on beauty."

A third opportunity to bolster your portfolio is offered by a full day's location shoot, taking in the likes of a disused factory, a Victorian house or a London church. "There's even a West London supermarket which is used quite a lot for zombie movies," Francois expands. "It's quite a bizarre, sterile environment which leads to some really interesting shoots." This option, costing £350 for a full day, involves up to 10 photographers and five models, rotating through each set and working in pairs, so one photographer assists the other. "We'll go from continuous lighting to flash lighting, passing through LED and natural light. So they'll get a real taste of different lights and equipment that anyone starting out may struggle to rent - like Briese lights - because of the hefty deposits sometimes required."

Francois has been running workshops since 2001. "People are generally very happy that we put in the effort and create the look for our shoots."

Judging by the comments posted by past attendees - which can be summed up as 'great studio, friendly, professional team very committed to helping you get the best out of your photo graphy' - Simulacra Studio deserves your attention too.

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1st Published 01/04/2013
last update 09/12/2022 14:52:55

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